Saturday, November 1, 2008

It's dark in here, help me find the light switch!

I am a reading teacher for 24 years and a prospective librarian in the Mansfield School Library & Information technologies program.

As part of the program, I am learning the ins and outs of Web 2.0. I feel like I am in a dark room looking for the light switch, not the door. I don't want out of the learning, I simply want to turn the light of understanding on for me. Does that sound fatalistic, I really am not concerned because I wan o be that bets LMS that I can be and that means learning to provide the tools that will help my students to be come lifelong learner tools.

To that I must learn to use the tools of the trade and help other educators and students learn to use those tools. Be patient in the intial stages of this blog, you never kneo what I might say, but it will be from mytrue experiences. Also, you guidance is welcomed and will be accepted in the true spirt of learning.


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